Save 40 metres CW

The International Amateur Radio Union (Region 3) is undertaking a review of the 40 Metre Band Plan. This is being done under the banner of Harmonisation, and seeks to address many of the inconsistencies in the 40 metre band plans across different countries and regions. You can review the chart produced by the WIA below, illustrating the differences between Band Plans across Region 3.

One of Australia's representative bodies, the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) has taken the lead on behalf of the IARU, Region 3.

Whilst this is a worthy aspiration, we are concerned that the proposed solutions are discriminating against CW operators. CW operators may end up with as little as 25kHz at the bottom of the band. 

Indeed, one option will see our allocation restricted to 7000 - 7025kHz, which would also exclude some USA operators from the Band altogether. 

The objective of this Save 40 metres CW initiative is to raise awareness with CW operators worldwide and to advocate for a fair and reasonable allocation on 40 metres for all CW operators.

How to navigate this website:

  • Read the Consultation Paper first.
  • Read and consider the Key Issues
  • Read the Call to Action
  • Stay up to date by visiting our News Blog from time to time